How to contact La Poste Customer Service or file a complaint ?

If you wish to contact La Poste's Customer Service for assistance or file a complaint, we offer several contact options based on your needs. 

Whether it's related to parcel or mail issues, managing your mail forwarding contract, questions about customs duties and taxes, a problem with a purchase made on, or other services (La Poste customer account, power of attorney, Digiposte, senior services, etc.), you will find the most suitable contact solution on our online help page.

Depending on the reason for your request, specific contact options will be suggested for a personalized and quick response.


If you are deaf or hard of hearing, Deafiline is a free service allowing you to contact a customer advisor through an interpreter operator, available Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm and Saturday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm (excluding internet service provider costs).

LSF (French Sign Language), chat, LPC (Complemented French Spoken Language), and transcription services are available.

Ce contenu répond-t-il à votre question ?

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Besoin d'aide complémentaire ?

Vous n'avez pas trouvé de solution parmi nos FAQs, vous souhaitez nous contacter ou déposer une réclamation ?

Nous contacter